Free Openvpn Client For Mac
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I need an free vpn client for mac os x leopard that supports PPTP
ZoteZoteclosed as off-topic by Ladadadada, Jenny D, mdpc, Falcon Momot, Dennis KaarsemakerJan 17 '14 at 10:05
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- 'Questions must be relevant to professional system administration. Server Fault is dedicated to professional system and network administrators. End user and enthusiast questions are off-topic (contact your system administrator or hire a professional to help you out). Please see the Help Center for more information.' – Jenny D, mdpc
locked by HopelessN00bDec 5 '14 at 6:59
Openvpn Connect Client
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4 Answers
OS X has a built in PPTP client.
Adam GibbinsAdam GibbinsI use Shimo, which is really simplifies the VPN management process. Macworld did a pretty good write up on the application in Aug of '07, but much of the article is still relevent: It does nag you asking you to license it, but the application is fully featured even if you don't license it and you can easily minimize the nag window.
mrTomahawkmrTomahawkNot Free, but only $9 - Viscosity VPN www.viscosityvpn.comSupports only 10.5 or later.
Openvpn Client For Mac
qxotkFree Openvpn Client For Mac
qxotkThere is an interesting alternative to the builtin: JollyFastVNC