What Is The Best Git Client For Mac

Posted by2 years ago

Hi guys. I’m developing a new Git client for macOS. Its major feature is Finder integration, thus it aims to be what TortoiseGit is for Windows. Hence its name, GitFinder. The application has just entered an early beta stage. Since it still isn't ready to be shown very publicly, I have decided to start first with the closed beta, so potential beta testers will have to register in order to try it. I will also limit the number of beta testers in the beginning, so that I don't get overwhelmed with duplicated reports of same bugs and feature requests (as there will probably be many of them in the beginning). If you are interest to give it a try, just go to https://zigz.ag/GitFinder, enter your e-mail address and you'll be set to go. Any advices, ideas or suggestions are more than welcome. Thank you in advance and enjoy.

Active7 years, 3 months ago

I am currently looking for git clients for Mac OSX,I have tried the following:

I hope to find the best way to use TFS on MAC. So far I discovered several options: GIT-TF - this seems like a very popular solution in 2012, regretfully all tutorials are for MAC OS Lion and I'm not sure if this is still the right way.

  • GitX (Didn't like it.. doesn't seem functional enough)
  • Git Gui / GitK.. (Butt Ugly! i mean yuuuuuck! and not user friendly)
  • Source Tree (By far the best but still lacking somewhat)

Is there a functionally equivalent nice looking 'versions' or 'cornerstone' like client for git?or a finder integration thing like toroisegit?

Also i need to either implement a locking system or find a diff tool for VBA in excel spreadsheets?

How can i do either of these?

Oh also is there a way of managing a git server (gitosis or other) with a gui?



Daniel UptonDaniel Upton
2,4687 gold badges36 silver badges61 bronze badges

closed as off-topic by pnuts, CRABOLO, Bannings, Petr, Cristian CiupituSep 6 '15 at 2:00

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5 Answers

I have never found the need to manage a git server via the GUI since the server is just one big repo and the clients pull and push to it. In my mind, there is no need for server management here but, we just barely scratch the GIT itch at our company currently.

Git Client For Windows

As gui clients go give gitbox a whirl. The layout and design is very simple and easily 'fades away' when you aren't pushing and pulling. It is what many of us use, plus it is free


I too looked for a GUI for a while...but couldn't find anything I liked. In the meantime I used the CLI and now I doubt I'd switch even if a good GUI became available. With the CLI there is no waiting for a GUI app to load, no logging in, and it's just fast...exactly what I was looking for but didn't know it.

For managing a server, possibly...Gitorious or Indefero


You can look at SCuMD git server (my branch). You can find it here:

or just download distribution:

Download Git Client For Windows

It has very little dependencies on environment - it even does not require git to be installed (but it needs Java)!

In order to install and use it just follow these steps:

  1. Unzip
  2. Execute java -jar scumd-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar. This will create default config in ~./scumd folder
  3. Now comes some configuration. Edit ~./scumd/scumd-config.xml and make it fit your requirements. At the beginning it can look like this:

Now run java -jar scumd-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar again and git SSH server will start and listen port 1122! You can login with user1 that has password secret. Typical git URL looks like this:

More information about configuration and usage you can find in default config.

I think it's good solution for the server (even if it does not have GUI). But it much easier to setup and configure SCuMD than other git servers out there (as far as I saw).

21.7k7 gold badges66 silver badges85 bronze badges

Hey guys thanks for the great answers!


In the end i went with:

  • Tower - (Mac GUI).. It's freaking awesome! http://git-tower.com

  • Gitorious (Central repo anagement server hosted on our own box) awesome.. but a SERIOUS pain to get running! http://gitorious.orgHeres the tutorial i used.

Works pretty well for us.. although i'd love to be able to buy a copy of Github FI but its V expensive :P

So i'll just use standard github for my open source repos!

Daniel UptonDaniel Upton
2,4687 gold badges36 silver badges61 bronze badges

Regarding your question about a Diff Tool for VBA, you could try VbaDiff. It's a tool I created for just this purpose, as I was having the same problems.

Chris SpicerChris Spicer
1,7341 gold badge10 silver badges20 bronze badges

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