Copy File From Remote Pc Using Parallels For Mac Client

Parallels Desktop for Mac Business Edition; Parallels Remote Application Server. To start copying files, click Install. Setup will copy the required files. Click on Finish to view the status screen. Setting up the Windows Parallels Client. When you open the Parallels Client for the first time, you will be prompted to configure a new RDP.


Well...networking between macs and windows computers is always screwy. I have found that installing Bonjour (mostly for printing but it can do other things) on the windows machines really helps mac's track them down on the network.

Regardless of running a sort of 'shadow' OS with Parallels the networking issues will remain...also keep in mind mac has very low limits for how many users can connect to services and such.

Where is the remote connection going to? A server, or another computer on the network?

Active8 months ago

In my terminal shell, I ssh'ed into a remote server, and I cd to the directory I want.

Now in this directory, there is a file called table that I want to copy to my local machine /home/me/Desktop.


How can I do this?

I tried scp table /home/me/Desktop but it gave an error about no such file or directory.

Does anyone know how to do this?

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6 Answers

The syntax for scp is:

If you are on the computer from which you want to send file to a remote computer:

Here the remote can be a FQDN or an IP address.

On the other hand if you are on the computer wanting to receive file from a remote computer:

scp can also send files between two remote hosts:

So the basic syntax is:

You can read man scp to get more ideas on this.

Rui F Ribeiro
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38.3k4 gold badges83 silver badges111 bronze badges

You can use rsync as an alternative. It is mainly for syncing files.. but you can use it for this purpose as well.

to add ssh options:

--progress and --stats are useful for real-time display of transfer.

53k14 gold badges140 silver badges194 bronze badges
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Sadanand KenganalSadanand Kenganal

If you completely trust everyone in the network and you can connect a port of the destination machine directly, you can use netcat: nc.

Let's say the IP address of the destination machine is

On the destination run:

You can choose a different port, and also bind to another IP of your interfaces, just catches on all interfaces.

On the source run:

IMHO, this is the fastest possible way to send a file from one computer to another using digital networks.

The arguments and command line options might slightly change between different versions of nc and tar, but it will definitely work with recent Linux distributions.

onur güngöronur güngör

Using Parallels For Mac

On Linux, to copy a folder and its content from the user (root in this example) directory, to a folder in the local user directory, I run this command on the local machine:

scp -r root@ ~/folderinlocaluserdir

Note the ~/ which I often seem to forget...

Little BrainLittle Brain

protected by CommunityAug 12 '16 at 9:55

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